Parent Survey- Instructional Model Preference (CLOSES SEPT 25)

Your voice is always valuable to us, and especially now as the district continues working through reopening campuses for the 2020–21 school year. Below is a link to the final, short survey that asks your instructional model preference for your student(s) starting on October 6. 

Answering this survey is critical for our campus reopening efforts by helping us understand what you think is best for your student(s).

Click here for survey link.

Please note that surveys can only be taken once per each student enrolled. You will need your student’s ID number to access the survey and respond for your student. Questions about the survey or requests for help with the survey can be sent to

The link to the survey is also available on the main AISD webpage, on the Open for Learning webpage, on the AISD Facebook, on the AISD Twitter, on the AISD mobile app, and in the AISD Parent Cloud. Please feel free to spread the word to ensure that all of our families’ voices are heard!